* Warning! Use Only On Copies of Your Applications! *
68k Nyet is the inverse of those PowerPC code strippers. It removes, autmagically, the 68k code resources of a fat application. This can free up anywhere from Zero to dozens of Megabytes per application. I don't recommend it's use upon 68k-only applications, as those applications will not work after being processed by 68k Nyet!, though you will free up some substantial hard disk space.
I can be reached at <thunderone@delphi.com>. Comments, suggestions, faint praise, and bug reports are all wonderful and welcome.
A big “hey there y’all” to Ms. Effey, CJ, Tranges and the other folks who are almost completely without responsibility for this software, but not quite.
This software is provided AS IS. The author is not responsible for any damage incurred directly or indirectly through the use of this software. This software may not be distributed to Prodigy.